Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cowtown week 8

Total lost week.
Christmas was Tuesday so track day was Monday. But I didn't see the point in getting up at 4:50 on a vacation day.
So I went to do the run in the afternoon when Terri went to the gym. This meant that I would be running on the 1604 Acces road over by Rogers ranch. Pretty hilly. After a warm up I went for the first interval-a 1:30 400m.
Towards the end I felt a sharp pain in my rt achillies. It got worse in the next interval so I shut it down. Got a little swim and a little lift. By Thursday, tempo day I thought I was better but found out by mi 1.5 that I was not. Shut down again. By Thursday night I was sick. Cedar fever or a cold or something but as of Saturday night I am still a mess. Might as well knock it all out at the same time.
There is a flu going around. I got my shot but it isn't fool proof.
I guess I am at the 1/2 way point more or less. November and December are done. January and february to go.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Cowtown week 7

Spotty week. But much of it was my fault.
After going a bit too hard last Saturday, I took Sunday off. Then I had to spend 8hrs in a car on monday for work. So Monday was rest as well, but pretty stressful.
On Tuesday, I hit the track for 6x800m on 2 mi. Rest. I was supposed to be 3:15 or 3:20, but I went 3:00 for the first round without trying too. I think I was just more rested than I am used to being and the pace just came out.
But when the bell rang for round 2, I was not recovered. I still hit round 2 at 3:00, but shortly after that I quit for the day. I just isn't have it mentally after the stress of work.
The rest of the week was better. I got in a Crossfit class, an 8mi tempo run, a 1500n swim, a lazy hour bike ride and some heavy deadlifts. but the big event of the week was saturday's run. This was a "recovery" week so the long run was to be 13mi at 8:15 pace. Some quick math told me that this would be about a 1:48 13.1. So I decided to go out hard and if I felt good that I would stretch it to 13.1 and see what I could do.
50min and 30 sec later, I hit the turn around point but the run back was up hill. I crossed the line at 1:41:43. Which is a 4min pr. I had a gel before the start and another at the turn but that is all.
Not a sanctioned course. But it was Valero trail and it is marked every quarter mile. It was also about 36 degrees.
Today, Sunday I did some clean and jerk work but didn't feel snappy. Stopped at 135lbs when I was having to press out.
Track day is Monday next week. Lets see if I am recovered.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Cowtown week 6

Had another solid week of training.
Total miles have more or less leveled off and now times are improving.
This week was capped off by a 2:53 20mi run which was a 3min pr over the 20mi time from 2 weeks ago.
These long runs start to get hard between miles 6 and 12. But I am not having trouble holding the pace. The truth is that if I can put another 6 mi in at around the same pace, I will hit my dream goal more or less.
This week is a recovery week. In addition to my long run dropping back to 13mi or so, coach has asked me to take more rest this week. So I will be off completely today (Sunday) and at least one other day. Most likely it will end up being Monday because I have to drive out to the woodlands and back for work. I could get a session in before I head out but it would mean getting up extra early and that does not seem like it would be in keeping with the spirit of a recovery week.

I feel good right now. Really, I wish the race was in late January instead of late February. Nothing really hurts and I am hitting every split of every session.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cowtown week 5.

Thursday was rough. Simple 6mi tempo with 2@8:35 then 3@7:30 and 1 easy. With 70degree weather and so much humidity that my feet slipped on the ground, hitting the times was rough.
So I skipped Thursday Crossfit. Friday was 4 Rnds of 200m swim, 20 push-ups and 20 sit-ups on a 6min send off.
Saturday was 18mi at 2:36:30 or about an 8:42 pace. Valero trail is pretty flat and I felt great for 6, ok for 6 and worked hard for the last 6.
Sunday I felt ok and did 10x 1 rep bear @95 lbs and 5 toes to bar.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cowtown week 4

Woah. A 20mi run in week 4 of 16.
And pr's for the 4mi and 20mi distance in the same week. And a 17mi on Sunday followed by a 20 on the next Saturday.
I am pretty wiped.
Sunday was blurry. My stomach got sour Sunday evening and remains so as of Monday morning.
This week is a recovery week. And I am looking forward to it!
I don't see how I will make up enough speed to hit 3:45 though. I can see 3:55 or so. But it might have been the warm weather that slowed me down on Saturday.
It will be interesting to see how I do at the track in Tuesday. I was on the trainer this morning and was a little flat.