Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I am still getting back together after Sunday. I could use about 10hrs of sleep.
Terri made chocolate chip cookies and I ate a shit ton of them yesterday.
Today I hit the pool. 2x200m drills, 10x100m on a 2:30 send off. Times were 1:56 to 2:04 then 4x50 low stroke count. Lowest was 17.
Kind of sloppy in the interval times. 8 sec is too wide a spread.

So my intention is to go back to normal tomorrow. Normal food. Normal training. Let's see how I do...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

20mi pr today

20mi 2:58. 650ft of climb. Killed it! No crack. No bonk. Lost some speed towards the end on the climbs but I was still right on pace on the flats.
I feel really good about this one.

Thursday was a 3x4mi cutdown that was tough. I had not had a rest day since Monday so the Thursday run was work. Friday I hit Crossfit class and suffered. Saturday was an hour on the bike trainer but no wod so that I could rest up for today. And today was great!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Catch up

How do people train for 140.3 with full time jobs and families? Because my job is starting to get in the way of my hobby!
Yesterday was 6:30am Crossfit class.
Strength was 5x3 back squat. Built to 225.
Main wod was "Dianne". 21 15 9 of deadlifts and handstand pushups.
Did the DL at 145. Time was about 8:30.
The lunch workout was 10x400m with 1min rest between sets. Goal is to hold time within 5 sec. My times ranged 1:29 to 1:35. Pretty solid. About 10 sec faster than last year but on a different course so take it with a grain of salt.

Today was a pair of benchmarks.
Annie is 50 40 30 20 10 of double unders and Situps. 10 min cap. Got through the 40's. I struggled with the double unders. I need skill practice there.
Next was Isabel. 30 snatches. 10 min cutoff. Rx is 135lbs. But I went at 95 because I did this last summer at 95 in 4:56. Today I went in 2:32. Big improvement. Did the first 15 in under a minute. Next time I get to move up in weight. No second session today so I am off till tomorrow's 12mi tempo.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wod and bike trainer

I got up early and hotly the garage.
Worked up to a max thruster at 145lbs. Had a couple of fails along the way. Mostly because I would let my lower back round at the bottom of the movement. I would end up dumping the weight forward.
Then an 8 min Amrap of 6x175dl and 10 toes to bar. 5 rounds even.
Later I got on the trainer. I tried the DVD that came with it. Killer! I blew up early and had to take a few breaks.
I like the whole DVD on the trainer thing. It was intense.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I hurts pretty much everywhere.

I think it is the cedar. Cuz I feel like I was hit by a truck.
I am trying to get through this round of allergies without developing a sinus infection. If that means taking it a little easy for a few days, so be it. Better than to spend a week on antibiotics and another week letting them clear my system.
Yesterday was Crossfit. Tough day.
The wod was 3 rounds for time of:
24kg kettle bell
20 American swings
20 cleans
20 single arm swings
20 sdhp
20 overhead lunges.
20 min cap 2 Rnds 24 reps.
The lunges were the limiter. I couldn't keep the kb overhead on the right side.
I think it was because I didn't have an active shoulder. I had it down rather than up in my ear.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Solid day

Got a Crossfit class in today at 6:30 am. Main wods were randy, which is 75 snatches of 75lbs for time. Got it done in 8:00 which is a 1:42 pr vs 10/2010.
Then a 21 15 9 of pullups ring dips and squats.
Then after not quite throwing up, I rested for 4 hrs and did my interval runs. Main set was 4x200m on 1:30 rest. Times were 32 and 33 seconds. I was really focused on form. Felt great.
I wore my minimalist shoes to make sure I was off of my heels. It worked. I felt like I was flying.

Monday, January 16, 2012

I did what last week???

Today was swim. Tomorrow is a rest day.
I swam 2x200, 6x100, 600m.
No drills. After yesterday, I didn't want to think too much.
Times were 3:55 for the 200's, 1:55 for the 100's and 13.42 for the 600.
No pr's. In fact the gap compared to my fl numbers makes me wonder about the length of that pool.
Gonna have to repeat it to believe it.
But the good news is that the 600 was sustainable. I wasn't getting fatigued.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Check off another 18mi run

Was woken up in the middle of the night but ended up ready to go this morning. 18.25 right on pace.
Carried 3x250cal infinit in 10zo water. It got a bit sweet towards the end. I will have to hit the water stops along the way.
The run went fine but I can't say that it felty all that good. But now I get to feel good for the next couple of weeks knowing that I hit my time.
Later, I took the girls to the pool. Here they are at lunch later in the day.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bike trainer

Intervals from cfe main site:
Lactate shuttle
5min on 2:30 recover
6min on 3min recover
7min on
Worked into a 1hr ride.
Long run tomorrow.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Got my laps in

This post is from last week when i was in florida.

Leaving a very long arduous business conference. Last night I got 7mi run in so I covered my 13 mid week miles.
Then this morning I did a quick workout in the pool. 3rnds of swim 200m, 15 pushups and 15 v ups. I killed the swim laps. All 3 Rnds were pr's. Times were 3:31 to 3:35.
Time to come home and hit the cxfr gym first thing tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chair sitting as endurance sport

Had to travel yesterday and weather got in the way. I was supposed to get to my hotel by 3pm with time to workout and get settled. Didn't hit hotel till 11pm. Ate horribly in the airports.
I was buggy from delayed flights. I found the lap pool and got 800m in which included a 200m pr before security asked me to leave.
Today I am sitting in meetings all day and evening. I will skip out at some point and run and maybe do some squats. Trying to eat only natural foods during the snack breaks. So far, an apple and 2 bananas.
Ended up doing a pretty good job nutrition wise. Had a cookie at one point. But mostly stuck to fruit veg and meat.
Got in a 6mi run at night. Ran in the brooks and tried to stay forward on my feet. Got 8 hrs of sleep. It was the best of a bad situation.

Trainer, runs and wod.

Saturday was a bike trainer day. The weather was fine but given my schedule I figured that my best shot was to get a ride in before the kids woke up.
Did an hour. After warm up I did 15 Rnds of 1 min all out, 2 min recover..
I know I was slowing down by the end because I couldn't push the same gear.
Sunday was marathon pace run. This is the end of a recovery week so the distance was 1/2 of last week's long run or 9mi. I picked up the pace a little and went at about 8:45 but I did't push. I just let myself go.
Not a taxing run at all which is really something given where I was 2 years ago.
In the afternoon I had a chance to lift. I am going out of town monday to Thursday and won't be able to oly. So I worked clean and jerk. Got 155 and had easy cleans at 165 but it wast going up. And my disks were really grumpy about it. I felt like I was getting a decent dive under but no real push up. Might have been leg fatigue from the run but my guess is lack of shoulder recruitment due to the injury..
It is good that I will be away from bumper plates for a few days. The break might work some sense into my head and help me to rest this injury.
I am in weather delay in texas on my way to fl today. If we get out of hear at a reasonable time I will be able to swim and or run when I get there.
Gonna try and run every day on this trip. Even if they have to be short.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Wod and a run

630 cf class
Strength: 3rnds 1shoulder press, 3 push press, 5 push jerk. Build weight. Built to 115.
I think my 1 rep shoulder press is more like 130 but with my neck issues, I didn't want to risk it. Focused on jerk form instead. Excited to go after a cj pr this spring.
Then 16min Amrap at 75lbs 9 DL 6 hip snatch and 3 Ohsq. 12rnds 11 reps.

At lunch, 5mi run in 40min. No problem.
I like varying the weeks between duration and intensity. I will ride tomorrow and wod if time permits. Then 9 at marathon pace Sunday morning. After that I have a duration week. But I will also be traveling. So who knows what will happen. I am supposed to go 11 hard on thursday. Might have to break that up into two shorter runs to fit it in.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Is that your disk bulging or are you just happy to see me?

So I finally have the MRI results backf from my doctor. 3 slight bulges bet c5-6, 6-7 and 7-t1. No herniation.
But also no guidance or treatment plan.
I am traveling next week which means no weights. Just running and bodyweight metcon. It will be interesting to see if it improves.
I took a look back through my notes. I have been dealing with the neck pain since end of November!
Today us a rest day. My brain wants to put in some junk trainer miles but I will resist. There is plenty of work for me to do around the house...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Swim, and the next day

Yesterday was swim/recovery.
Did 400m right off. 8:26. Felt ok.
Then rested a couple of min and did another 400 in 8:16. Better. I think my pr is like 8:08 or so.
Then I started to do another and got about 100m in and stopped. Just didn't feel like pushing. And because this is a recovery week, I will indulge.
After that I did catch drills for 300m.
The last 400 was 8x50.
Today I went to the 530 cf class and did strength. 9x3 rep front squats.
Built to 185 and did 1 rep at 190. I was scared for my neck but everything held together. My neck bothered me more today. It didn't like the high rack position.
At lunch I did run intervals from the cfe site. 3x800 on 3 min rest. Went 3:56, 3:54, 3:55. I could not believe that I held the time on rep 3. I was dying. Felt like I was running in glue. But the stopwatch doesn't lie. Also ran a 6:11mi. Not sure drew's 400m course is really 400m... Will have to measure.
Tomorrow might be a rest day to get back on schedule. Not sure. I will see how I sleep tonight.

Monday, January 2, 2012

18mi in the books

Woke up at 6 this morning to run an 18mi race pace rout that I hadn't run in two years. I wanted more hills since the marathon is going to have 500ft of climb in it.
Lesson#1 for an early morning long run:
Lay out ALL of your stuff the night before. I had most of it together but I couldn't find my jacket and gloves.. They were at the bottom of my dirty clothes hamper. Wore them any way. Really stinky run.
But I hit my time. 18mi 2:42:56.
5 scoops infinite in 30oz water. No cramps. Could have run a couple more.
Next week is a recovery week. Shorter runs. More strength. Tomorrow is swim only. Good day.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

60% of kelly

Did 3rnds of
400m run
30 24" box jumps
30 wall ball shots
19 min.
Rnd 1 was 5:30. 2 and 3 drifted slower.
100 diamond Situps for time 4min
100 sky divers 1:30

Tomorrow I am going for 18mi at race pace. I am going to run a course that I ran 2 yrs ago. Should be interesting to see how the times compare.