Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Swim day

Got back in the pool today.
400m warm up
6x150 on 2 min rest. Times were 3:06 to 2:56.
3x100 on 1 min rest. Times around 2 min.
I got pretty tired towards the end. I haven't been swimming that much.
I think 2 swims per week would be ideal. But for time management reasons it would be good to combine a swim with a spin or a short run. Otherwise I am going to be spending my life in the showers. I know that 3 hrs between workouts is ideal but I do have a job to keep.
Something to work out.
Tomorrow I am tempted to hit the 530 cf class and spin at lunch. A good bike route near the office is a must!

Monday, February 27, 2012

A good long run and a nasty 5k

So I went to fort worth with Terri and Ellie. I had been sick and had not really run in 10 days. I had no idea what was going to happen.
The night before was a mess. We couldn't find a place to eat. Traveling with a 6 yr old is tough and I was stressed about the race.
No one got much sleep that night. Ellie kept waking me up, the bed was small, etc etc.
So when the alarm went off at 4:30 it was hard to get out of bed.

Cowtown marathon 2012 4:19 by my watch, 4:22 by theirs.
That is the bad news.
The good news is that I finished at all.
I felt my hamstrings talking about cramping at mile 3 and seriously considered dropping down to the 13.1.
Instead, I let go of a sub 4hr race, kept my garmin on heart rate only and just went for a jog.
My cramps went away and I just focused on keeping my hr in the 155 area.
By mile 8 I had stopped to pee 3 times losing 5 minutes to standing in line. But I didn't try and make the time up. By then I was shooting for a sub 4:20
And I figured my best chance was to go out slow and push the blow up point as far into the race as I could.
There was a 10 to 20mi/hr wind out of the south as usual. We start heading north for the first 6mi then work our way into the wind till mi 18.
Mi 18 is the highest point on the course in terms of elevation. It is also the point where we turn north and get the wind at our back. It was the high point of the race for me. I felt ok and was in position to or by 5 or 10 min.
Mile 20 was a time check for me. Goal pace was 3:00 even. I had done it in training and it would have put me in a position to run a 1hr 10k to hit 4 hrs.
I crossed at about 3:12 but still felt optimistic because I was downhill and an hr 10k would still be a pr.
My first lock up cramp came at mi 21.5
It was a high hamstring on the right.
I stretched and it cleared. But once they start, they come back. From there on every 1/2 mi or so I had to stretch.
That was also the point where the race got hard. I would will myself to the next mile marker and walk for a minute. Then run towards the next one and get a ham cramp.
Mile 23 was the low point I think. But the good news here is that I was so close to the finish. Even though it was an 11:18 mi it was ok because most of the race was in the bag at that point.
The last 1.5mi of this race is up hill!!!
Really tough. I show a 10:56 pace for mi 26 but it felt much slower.
Going up the finisher chute, my 6yr old comes out of nowhere and takes my hand and crosses with me.
I cross the line and hit my watch to see 4:19. A 1min pr. I was happy. All I wanted those last few miles was to push hard enough to pr. This is the only Mary I am running this year and all I wanted was a pr.
After the race, I saw where they texted me my time. It said 4:22. It was like a punch in the gut. My old pr is 4:20. 4:19 gets it, 4:22 does not. What is worse is that I focused all my energy the last 5 mi on getting my body across the line before my watch said 4:20. There were no clocks on the course and I had no reason to think my watch ate 3 minutes. But I have no reason to think their timer did either.
For now I am going to hold on to my 4:19. And more importantly the sheer will it took to beat my watch to the finish line.
I'm not sure what the training takeaways are yet. Given my poor timed bout of the flu. But here are a few:
The 20mi runs helped. My head was in a good spot at mi 18 and part of that was because I had gone 20 before.
I had ham cramps starting at 21.5 but never had quad or calf cramps. That is a first.
The concentrated infinite worked but lugging 40oz of liquid with me on the course is a drag. Next time I want to try carrying flasks of mix and mixing on the go. Or, carrying 20oz of super concentrate and hitting more water stops to supplement. I only hit 3 or 4 water stops this time.
Less coffee before the race. 3 pee breaks cost me 4 minutes with the lines.
At some point, if I really want to put up a good time, I am going to have to run more. Like 5x a week. I don't know if I am willing to give up what I would have to give up to do that.
I am so ready to get back on my bike!!! And to participate in the Crossfit games and get my strength back. On to the next one. I have a couple of charity rides planned for the spring.

Yesterday while I was resting after the race Terri and Ellie ran across a humane society adoption center. They fell for a Mastiff mix puppy. He will be making the drive back to san antonio with us later today. Not sure what we will name him yet.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Game time

I am checked in and have my bib #.
Nothing to do now but have dinner, rest as best as I can and give it a go tomorrow.

I don't "feel" like I am running a marathon tomorrow. Not sure if that is good bad or somewhere in between.
Might be the odd taper. Might be the fact that I have Ellie (6yrs old) with me. A 6yr old doesn't care about your target splits, your nutrition plan or your recovery socks. A 6 yr old wants to see all of the new sights. The indoor swimming pool, room service, can I have ice cream in the bathtub?
So there is very little room for me to obsess about what is going to happen tomorrow morning while she is sleeping.
But maybe that is for the best. I mean, I am going running tomorrow, not playing chess with Kasparov. There isn't that much to think about. Just keep running 9min miles till I cross the finish line. Drink a swallow of infinite each mile. Don't go out too fast at the start and don't quit towards the end.
Simple. Just not easy. But I have done this before. I know what to expect.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Ive got good news and Ive got bad news...

I re did cfg wod 12.1 today with the plan of running a few mi after.
The good news is that I got 102 burpees in 7 min.

The bad news is I was wrecked after. By the time I got up out the door I slow jogged 2 mi and called it a day.

The workout blew up my lungs. I couldn't get my heart rate back down.
And my hams were acting like they wanted to cramp. I feel shaky going in to Sunday. I wish I had a few more days.
But I don't. So here is the deal:
3 goals for Sunday:
1) cross the starting line and cross the finish line. Get medal #4 in the 5 medal series and live to fight another day. Take walk breaks. Treat it like the run in the 140.6 that I will do next year.
2) break 4:20. Put down as many 9:00 to 9:20's as I can and see where it gets me. A pr is a pr.
3) drop all 9's and break 4 hrs.

Amy of these will be fine. As long as I come home with the hardware, I will have succeeded. I will put everything I have out on the road Sunday. I just don't know what that will be. Regardless, as long as I am making forward progress, I will do it with my head up.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

7 good minutes

So for the first bit of exercise since getting sick last Friday, I decided to do the Crossfit games open wod#1 last night.
I figured I would muddle through, rest Thursday, light jog Friday and rest Saturday before the 26.2 on Sunday.
Luckily, the wod was 7min of burpees to a target 6" above your fingertips.
I got 87. Getting that vertical jump in there was a real limiter. I'm not sure how the folks who got more than 100 did it.
But, it was good to move around a bit and I am glad it wasn't something that will be difficult to recover from.
I feel a little better today than I did yesterday but still not normal. Friday's jog should give me some good data about where I am at. Just a few miles at marathon pace with a hrm so I can compare to similar paced efforts before getting sick.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Better but not good

It is Tuesday and I am still recovering.
My fever peaked Sunday at 102.5 but it broke Monday morning.
I still feel weak and my throat still hurts. Terri says it is red but does not look like strep. I am staying home today but I will make a couple of work related calls. I hope to be back in tomorrow.
At this point, I would expect to take a short easy run on thursday. Nothing today or tomorrow. Instead of a taper, I am at a dead stop!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Improved but not better

I'm hoping that last night was the worst of it. Cuz last night was really bad.
I bad on 2 sweatshirts one with a hood. Every time I moved in the bed I got chills.
But in the middle of the night I started to get hot and took the hoodie off.
My throat is still on fire and my sinuses hurt so bad that my teeth hurt.
So no run today and most likely none tomorrow. Hopefully I can dodge a sinus infection.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I feel like a bucket o crap

I don't have a fever but I feel like I do.
Chills, body aches, muscle soreness.
Could be a bug. Could be cedar fever or some other version of allergies.
Ibuprofen helps but I'n not running tomorrow morning. In fact, I am not doing a thing till I have felt 100% for 24 hrs. There just isn't any point.
I drove to Houston and back today. About 7hrs total. I said goodbye to my Audi Tt and hello to a new a7. The trunk is enormous. Bike in the back without taking the wheel off enormous.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Feeling old and tired

Struggling a bit today. I am really sore from the squats yesterday.
Crossfit today was tough for me. It started well. 5min pullups forays did 75. Good score.
But then I struggled with bar work.
95lb squat cleans. 3min for max reps. 12. Not many. Bailed 3 times.
20 min cap 3rft
15x95lb thrusters
12 wall balls
9 burpees
150 rope jumps.
2rnds 48 reps.
I am feeling some weakness in my left arm and I think it is from the neck pain I have had on that side for the past 10 days. And the lump on my shin is receded a bit but isn't going away. And right now there is a chance of rain in ft worth next weekend. And my last long run was behind goal pace. So I either have a lot to complain about or I have an attitude problem that is making me complain and see only the negative.
Either way, if I feel like this tomorrow, I will take an extra rest day.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Let the second guessing begin

Today was Crossfit in the morning. 3rep max back squat 215. Could have gone 5 to 10 lbs higher. But didn't want to risk.
8min Amrap of 8 ring dips, 8 sit ups: 7tnds
8min Amrap of 8 32kg kbs, 8 45lb squat: 7 Rnds.

Then at lunch, 3mi Tt in 23:23.

I am having the typical early taper letdown. Where I am happy to have wrapped the last long run and I don't want to do anything. I took a regular rest day yesterday and it was still hard to run at lunch. I was also about 40 sec off of my pr. But I hit legs hard this morning.
Anyway, I always go through this lull.
I will just stick to my plan. Cf tomorrow. A bike on Saturday. A 11mi jog on sunday.
The weekend might get mixed up because I am buying a new car on Saturday!!!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Swimming and Crossfit

Ok, missed a couple of days of writing.
On Monday I hit the pool. I thought about taking a full rest day after Sunday's brutal run but I really didn't need it.
Swam 400m then 400m of drill then 3x200 on 2 min rest and then a 100 and 2x50 to round out the mile.
Times were in the low 2's per 100m. No pr but it was fine.
On Tuesday I went to Crossfit. It felt good to have some intensity. Towards the end of the wod there were 2x400m sprints. I actually felt pretty good.
Today is Wednesday and I forcing myself to take a rest day. I don't want to. But I need to recover a bit.
I made the mistake of asking for feedback on bt about the likelihood of me going under 4hrs at cowtown. I say mistake for a few reasons. 1) my logs don't reflect the intensity of cf. they just reflect miles and my run volume, while higher than it has been in years, is lower than traditional running training. 2) I am going to go out and put down 9:00 miles till I either cross the finish line or die trying. So it doesn't matter what anyone says. I am not changing plans at this point.
Tomorrow I will cf and run an hour. Friday I will cf. Saturday I will ride my new bike!!! And Sunday I will run 10.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lothar of the hill people

Was a bad Saturday Night live sketch in the early 90's.
I felt like Lothar today.
20mi with over 1000ft of climb and 1000ft of decent. 2x times the cowtown course.
I had to stop at 20. Had planned to go for 22 but I knew/thought I was gonna have problems from the time I woke up. I just didn't have the legs today.
I started to feel ham cramps coming on at about mile 17. So I pulled the pace back and shut down the timer and walked as soon as I heard my iPhone lady tell me I was at mile 20.
Today I was 3:07 over the tougher 20mi course. But I can't just blame the hills. In looking at my splits, I was 10 to 15 sec slower each mile right out of the gate.
Not sure. It could be that I did more work yesterday on the bike than I thought I had at the time. I also rode at 3pm instead of 6am yesterday. So 9 hrs less rest.
It could be cumulative fatigue. Long run Thursday, wod Friday, ride and wod Saturday before today's run.
It could so be right between my ears.
2 weeks ago I hit a big pr for 20mi. It would be natural to have a let down in intensity.
In any event, the hay is in the barn!
Nap time!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Back in the saddel

Went for a 55min easy ride today. It was cold. My toes went a little numb.
But I had to take my new wheels for a spin. I got a set of hed jets. 6fr 9r. They sound cool. And of course I thought I was going much faster for the same amount of effort. It is all in my mind but who cares!
Then for fun I decided to see how fast I could do 100 pullups. 9:18 was the answer today. But I think I might be able to beat that in a better setting. My pullup bar started turning in its brackets which made me nervous which made me hold back. Still, I had 50 done in the first 3:00 which is a pr by 3 reps.
Tomorrow morning is the last long run before the only marathon of the year.
I will most likely only run more than 20mi twice all year long. Tomorrow and two weeks from tomorrow. It is ok if it sucks. It is supposed to. It is a very long way. But once it is done, I will be over the hump. Some rest and perhaps a bit of intensity late next week early week after and I am done!
Tomorrow is going to be a great day.
I took my girls to build a bear today. That place is a racket. But they had a ball.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

One more round

12.41mi in 1:50. Just faster than marathon pace.
I did the loop around my office twice. Can't say that it felt all that great. Might have been because i did not make time to take care of certain biological needs before heading out.
Nothing like being uncomfortable for almost 2 hours.
Or it might just be that 12mi is a long way to run before work.
Regardless, I am not looking forward to Sunday. I feel like I hit a major pr a couple of weeks back and I am not ready to put that kind of effort out again.
The answer , I think is to still do the run but turn the timer off. Let it be slow and easy and if I end up a little behind pace well that might be a motivator come race day.
But there is another aspect of this "almost to the taper" lack of motivation that feels familiar from past races.
In the back of my mind is this: after Sunday, it is time to cut back and rest up. 72hrs away is some rest. I have logged so many miles and most of the work is in. How important is this last long run? Perhaps not very. So why not skip it? That is what my brain is trying to tell me.
Another choice would be to split the mileage over Saturday and Sunday. Say 10 Saturday morning and 12 Sunday. But really, I expect that if I am not hurt or sick I will do the run. This is that point in the training (like me 22 in the race) when I just need to shut my brain off or ignore its chatter and put one foot in front of the other. Finish.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Donde esta senior hamstring?

So yesterday was supposed to be Crossfit and a swim. But given the open wound on my leg I figured I better dial back.
I rowed and hit a 2k pr by 20 seconds and then worked Deadlift and pulled 290 which is a 5lb pr. So it was a good day for cf.

Today I wanted to try and run but I didn't want to hit the intensity of Crossfit endurance running. So I went for a slow jog. Did my 6.25mile loop at a lazy pace. My shin felt fine but my hamstrings were toast from yesterday!
I get home late tonight. I might try and wod in the garage. If I do, tomorrow will be a rest day.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cant run

My leg is still jacked from yesterday.
I tried to run this afternoon. But I could tell that it wasn't a good idea in the first 100m.
So I rode the trainer and did some Situps and pushups.
Even after that, the swelling was pretty bad. I am not sure what tomorrow is going to be like. I need to get this well ASAP. My guess is that even if it feels perfect tomorrow I should stay off. Because it felt ok today.
It wouldn't be right to swim either. Not till it closes up better.
So I will most likely hit the weight room.
Here I am with ice watching the superbowl...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Not running on this tomorrow.

After a few hrs, the bleeding has stopped but ice won't get rid of the swelling. I'm no doctor, but i know enough not to run on this...

That will leave a mark

Crossfit in the garage while cc napped.
Worked clean and jerk for a while. But failed at 165. I think I am building too fast when I do this at home.
Wod was 4 rounds for time of:
5 135lb clean and jerk
10 pullups
15 box jumps 24" box.
On the last round of box jumps, I guess I was tired because I did t jump high enough...
Note to self: do not do this too close to the race.
I have ice on it now. It looks like a golf ball under my skin.
Missing tomorrow's run would not be the end of the world. If it is swollen anything like this tomorrow, I am going to have to lay off.

Friday, February 3, 2012

I need to stay out

Of britton's bike shop.
Today I got a great deal on a Wilier gran turismo ultegra build road bike and a pair of hed jet 6 fr's for my tri bike.
A really great deal.
Still. I need to stay out of that bike shop.

Crossfit lagging

Crossfit class today. Mind was willing but the body was weak.
5x3 overhead squats at 95. Got easier as I went. To me that means this is still a mobility/stability exercise for me.

10min Amrap (10 minutes to do as many rounds as possible) of:
2 deadlifts
2 hang power cleans
2 front squats
2 push press
All at 115lbs.
If you put the bar down, do 5 burpees.
8 Rnds. I was on pace for 10 Rnds till rnd7. The last 2 took 2 min each.
The weight was just too heavy. Had to do burpees after each rnd and in the middle of the last 2 sets.

I want to get down on myself because my Crossfit is lagging. My scores are falling off. My attendance is more sporadic and I don't feel as much a part of the group as I used to.

But that is because I am preparing to hit a 25min marathon pr in 3 weeks and I am giving that priority. Priority use of my training time. Priority use of my training energy.

I may not be pr'ing or getting on the board at Crossfit. But I am pr'ing at 18 and 20 miles. And given my stated goal of a sub 4 hr marathon, that has to be an acceptable trade off. When people say that you have to make sacrifices to reach your goal, this is what they are talking about. Not just missed sleep or skipped French fries.

So this is a good sign. I am sacrificing for my goal. And so far it is working.

(that is what I would tell me if I was my coach anyway...)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Airport run

Had to take Terri's parents to the airport at 5am...
By the time I had them dropped off, I was 30min into Crossfit and 30min early for the next class. So I went for a run. Legs felt strong. 6mi 49min.400ft of climb. Good speed for me right now.
Once I had a lead on my recent times or this route, I just told myself that I needed to keep pushing and I would have a good time.
Yesterday was supposed to be Crossfit in the morning and interval run at lunch. Crossfit happened. New squat clean thruster pr 150lbs. Then a 15min Amrap of double unders, ring dips and hspu. Not a great score. I need to work with the jumprope.
Work got in the way of intervals. I put them off till the evening but once I got home I got wrapped up with the kids and decided to just spend the time with them. I train enough.
Might lift tonight. Might not. It is ok either way. I will wod tomorrow and Saturday and then jog Sunday. Then the last build week before Cowtown!