Sunday, May 13, 2012


Dodo this trip to Iowa has forced me to downshift. With the kids and the family stuff going on, there just really isn't time to train.
I ran once and hope to get one more in tonight or tomorrow early. But this is a big cutback in hrs.
This was very bothersome at first. But after a couple of days I have given in.
I am sure I will be better for it.
En calls for a major test race this weekend for 70.3. 56mi bike with 1hr run. I will see if I can fit it in next weekend.
In the mean time I will just soak up the last major rest before my mt tremblant taper. Might as well. Not much choice!

I managed to get Monday's run in.
It was an hour or so. 15min wu with 4x30" strides. Then 2x1mi z5 (4'). Then z2 home. My 1mi times were 7:30 and 8:05. Due to an incline.
Given my background, the high intensity parts of the en workouts dont really bother me. I mean, they hurt. And my hr gets to 169-170 and my body starts sending warning signs to my brain that we have topped out.
But that discomfort is familiar and manageable.
Where I really suffer is the 2mi z2 jog back home! At that pace, I start to notice how much everything hurts. All the aches and fatigue seem magnified.
Which is interesting for lots I reasons.
One thing for sure, I want to go out slow enough that once I decide to ramp the hr up to 165+ I will keep it there till I cross the finish line. And right now, I figure I am good for 3mi at that intensity. So there you go.

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