Saturday, March 17, 2012

Yet another post about a difficult workout

Got crushed by the Crossfit games open workout #4 yesterday.
It was a 12 minute sprint through 150 Wallball shots, 90 double unders and 30 muscleups.
In looking at the workout, I was nervous but excited because I can do muscleups. At least a few. And most people can't.
But I was worried about the double unders because of my achillies pain. That kind of jumping really hurts right now.
As I watched the early scores come in, most folks were getting to the muscleups and just stopping dead.
So I was excited because I felt like I had a chance to redeem my poor showing in workout #3.
For the uninitiated, a Wallball shot is a movement done with a 20lb medicine ball. You pick it up, do a complete squat with your hips below your knees then drive out of the squat and throw the ball like a free throw to a target 10ft off the ground.
Since I started cycling, I had noticed that these were getting easier.
My plan was to hit the first 50 or so unbroken and just kill myself to get through them as fast as I could do that I could have extra time on the jumprope. All I would need would be 45 sec after that to gather myself, dry my hands and bang out a couple of muscleups for a good score overall and a bit of personal redemption.
20 wallballs in I knew I was in trouble.
I couldn't hold on to the ball. I got "no rep'd" (rightly so) a bunch of times for either not throwing the ball high enough or squatting before first standing up when I picked the ball up.
By 60 it was clear that I would not finish. By 70 I was so discouraged that I wanted to quit. I actually walked away to quit and came back. There were so many people I knew watching and I was performing so poorly. It was an excruciating 12 minutes.
I ended up with 134. A really poor score.
The only validation I feel this morning is the pain in my quads. I feel like I ride 50mi. It is crazy how much damage you can do in 12minutes if you do it right. I have spent an hour in the weight room or jogging and not done the muscle damage that I did in 12 min yesterday.
I am heading out for my first group ride in 30minutes. At least I think I am. I have never net this group before an I am hoping they really exist. It is supposedly a 25mi no drop ride. Sounds about like what I am up for today.

I am really hoping that my poor showing the past couple of Fridays is that the workouts were just really hard and not that I am having some sort of post marathon recovery problem.
On a positive note, not getting to the double unders means that I didn't do the extra damage to my achillies. And my ankle is slowly improving as well.
I will stick to my heel striker shoes for my run tomorrow but I am optimistic that I will be able to move farther forward in my foot in the next couple of weeks.

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